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Marlboro Red

5,70 €

Vlajkové cigarety značky Marlboro s bohatou a plnou chuťou. Cigarety sú tiež obohatené o špeciálny pevný filter (Firm filter) pre konzistentný fajčiarsky zážitok od začiatku do konca a pre čistejší spôsob zahasenia.

  • In stock

  • Delivery within 30 minutes

  • Tobacco products are not included in the minimum order price

  • Summer PROMO: When buying only tobacco products 50% discount on the tobacco fee!


Smoking kills.

Additional information

Brand Marlboro
Veľkosť balenia 20
Obsah nikotínu 10


"Visit on the bank holiday, nothing at home and everything closed. Luckily, Driply courier surprised me with a quick delivery. Thanks again." — Dagmar N. — Chrenová, Nitra

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